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Fast Close Month End

Most organisations, be they commercial enterprises, government entities, municipalities, schools, universities or the local corner café would like to have information for the preceding financial month faster than usual.

Even companies that have spent millions on large ERP systems can still take up to 3 weeks to generate their monthly figures – by which time it’s too late to be of any use to anyone other than the tax man.

Virtually without fail and without incurring significant sums on new systems, this can be brought down to 3 days – yes, even for government departments. The secret lies in letting the system you have do some of the work for you but most importantly, changing the way you think about the month-end.

If you think it, you can do it. Allow us to help you think through your month-end process and we guarantee we will cut the month-end timetable by a huge margin, thereby freeing up your finance staff to take a more strategic role in the organisation.